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Packaged Water Testing

Demand of packaged/bottled water has exploded worldwide in recent years, largely as a result of a public perception of purity driven by advertisements and packaging labels featuring pristine glaciers and crystal-clear mountain springs. But bottled water sold is not necessarily cleaner or safer than most tap water, according to a four-year scientific study published by NRDC.
While most of the bigger companies take good care to ensure the right processes involved in treatment of water before bottling it, many small local players often fill bottles without proper treatment. The right equipment required for purification of water in large scale is often very expensive, making them unaffordable for the small local bottled water sellers. The products of such companies are very often found to be non-compliant to the standards of drinking water.

Consumers typically buy bottled water under the misconception that it is safer, purer or healthier than tap water. Bottled water companies have spent billions to manipulate consumers into believing that bottled water is safer or healthier than tap water.

But the true questions that are being asked worldwide are:
  • Is bottled water really better quality than tap?
  • Do plastic water bottles leach harmful chemicals?
  • Is the cost and inconvenience of bottled water just a waste of time and money?
  • Do you know that bottled water is a leading source of plastic pollution in America?
  • Are you aware that most studies show bottled water quality to be the same or lower than that of tap water?
  • Are home water filters a better option and which one is best?
Some of the most common problems faced with bottled/packaged water are :
  • Risks from plastic bottles – All plastic bottles leach synthetic chemicals into water, some more than others. Even the popular refillable polycarbonate water bottles are known to release BPA (Bisphenol A) into the water. The best and healthiest solution is a quality home water filter and refillable glass water bottles.
  • Cross Contamination of Water Dispensers – 20 litre packaged water cans are very often used in Corporate offices, Hospitals, Educational Institutions and other organizations for consumption of masses. The dispensers on which the cans are mounted are unknowingly often subjected to cross-contamination by the users, when they touch the nozzles of the taps. Almost all the tests of the samples taken from the dispensers show different levels of contamination, depending upon the cleaning schedule of the dispensers.
Virtually every independent study on bottled water shows contamination from bacteria and/or synthetic chemicals.